...and there goes November...
I am chasing months by the tail these days. I've failed thus far to blog about all the things that happened in October, and now I really don't know where November disappeared to. I swear I barely changed my calendar over, and December is two days away.
Oh, and possibly worth noting: whatever accidental hiatus this blog has been on has been exaccerbated by the fact that we've apparently reached our photo limit on Google, and figuring out what to do next hasn't been a top priority. I foresee a day of massive posts once we figure that out...
Here are a few random things for now:
* We've had a crazy week here, since Jason is at a leadership training event all week and Henry decided it might be a good week to get a cold. It's 7 pm, and if I had already eaten dinner I would be crawling into bed right now. Still, I am finding myself increasingly empowered by facing the challenges of parenthood and conquering them (finding a hotel in Denver at 2 am when your flight almost gets to Boise and then can't land because of the fog? Check.). And increasingly humbled by asking for help and receiving it.
* This right here is one of the best things I've ever seen on the internet. Ha. Love it.
* Among the many things I love about Henry right now is the fact that he can sit in a cart out of his car seat. It is nice to be able to go to Costco and Trader Joe's and actually fit stuff in my cart again.
* I'm on the verge of making these amazing cookies again (if I could just clean the baby snot off of everything for a few minutes). We're doing a Christmas cookie exchange this weekend, and there is a wee part of me that wants to make crappier cookies for everyone else and keep these all to myself...
* During Jason's absence I've been watching Clueless again for the first time in years. It is like reliving my senior year. Totally existential. Why are movies from high school and college generally so much better than movies now? (Although we did watch Sherlock Holmes last weekend. Lurve.)
* Here's the thing: I am so tired of talking about spit-up and poop. So why do I keep bringing it up?
* I confess that we did not love making Thanksgiving dinner this year. Nothing turned out quite as good as last year (and the gravy turned out way worse), but it was still as much work. And then we ate leftovers for literally six meals straight (including apple pie for breakfast). Best. Thing. Ever. Why don't we make turkey more often?!?
There you have it. And now I am going to clean up the spit-up that is all over the kitchen floor (!!!), go make myself some waffles, crawl into bed, and read Harry Potter until my eyes are too heavy to open.