Summer is in full swing here, complete with life-sucking humidity, a long string of 100+ degree days, and thunderstorms, some of which knocked out power to most of the region for days (100+ degree days, no less). I miss Idaho the most in the summer. But I digress.
Henry was two months old last week, and suddenly he looks much less like a newborn and more like a baby. I had him in the Baby Bjorn today for the first time in a while, and he was holding his head up and flailing his arms and acting like a great big baby. He loves to smile and I swear I heard a giggle from him the other day...and then he suddenly hits a point where smiles turn to full on screams. At least he's predictable.
Henry loves loves the bath...until it's time to get out and get his pjs on. |
He's also mostly sleeping through the night--like, he slept nine and a half hours the other night (wheeee!). Then again, he woke up three times last night, so I'm still nursing a coffee cup pretty closely. I'm still nervous that he's not eating enough, even though the pediatrician specifically said not to feed him in the wee hours. I wonder how long that lasts. That, and worrying that he's not breathing, and questioning our every decision...
Snuggling with Dad |
Other things going on around here include:
A growing garden. Dad planted the most spectacularly beautiful garden this spring. I can't tell you how pretty and perfect it is...or, rather, was, until rabbits devoured our green beans. Three times. It's mid-July, so we've given up on green beans for the summer (SO sad), but the tomatoes are coming in and we're eating lettuce and green onions.
Spinach (which is way bigger now AND going to seed, of course...) |
Netflicks. I know, we are, like, the last people in America to get Netflicks, but we finally pulled the trigger. Since it's so hot, and since we're still sleep deprived (because sleeping through the night is new and not consistent, and since nursing an infant takes hours and hours of the day, we've become fans of new shows--namely Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. Sometimes that is the highlight of the day.
Crazy storms. Weekend before last, Jason had just left for hockey and I was at the computer, and suddenly the lights flickered and it sounded like a freight train hit the house. Luckily for us, the flicker was as close as we came to losing power in the storm and all the fallen tree branches went the opposite direction of the house. Lots of our friends weren't so lucky--a good chunk of the region was without power for days. We got to host the Gambills and the Harveys until their air conditioners came back on, which was fun. Somehow we have this magical spot that never loses power (Jason conjectures that it was a former spy hideout), and we'd like to keep it that way!
The extent of our storm damage. So glad it didn't fall on the new addition! |
Running again. It appears that a routine is starting to emerge from the chaos that has been our lives for the past few months. Henry seems to like to wake up at 6, which means I can feed him, go running, and at least get out of the shower before Jason leaves for work. This is only the second week this has worked, so I'm still holding my breath, but oh. So good. While I run, I have never loved it, but watching people out running all beautiful spring while I was huge and swollen has given me a new appreciation for it.