Friday, September 15, 2006

Eastern Market

Eastern Market
Originally uploaded by jmsmall2005.
We have been meaning to go to Eastern Market for many months...or years, since sadly neither of us went even when we lived in the District. So on Saturday we got up early and headed out. (Clarification: When I say we "got up early," I mean Missy overslept and we got out later than expected and then once we were in the car Missy spilled her tea all down her front and made Jason turn around and go back home so she could change her shirt. So really we didn't get out early at all and certainly missed breakfast at the famous pancake house in Eastern Market.)

Eastern Market is an outdoor market on Capitol Hill, and we had a splendid morning eating chocolate croissants and picking out flowers and vegetables. We had so much fun, in fact, that we briefly considered throwing all caution to the wind and going to a Smithsonian museum or something. Too bad we had fresh produce in the car. Perhaps this weekend...


J.R. said...

How fun!, I love the River Market here in Kansas City. We actually live about 3 blocks from it, we like to do our "grocery shopping" down there. They also have concerts, Nada Surf is coming on the 20th, its great, all we have to do is open the window and kick our feet up on the ceil.

Anyway, I am glad you had fun down there. I love all the difrent cultures are outdoor markets.

J.R. said...

PS - You guys gotta come visit Krystal and the Caines' soon!

Amanda said...

I wonder if there is a "Western Market?" Hehe ... miss you. .