Monday, April 14, 2008

Touristing with Parents!

The weatherman is 0 for 2 in accurately predicting downpours for Saturdays. Such a losing record is good news for us! Two Saturdays of gorgeous, warm, springy weather have been delightful. To make things even better, we got to share this past one with Jason's parents.

On Saturday, we had breakfast at home then went to visit Lincoln's Cottage, where President Lincoln spent about a fourth of his Presidency and much of his time during the Civil War. We had a good tour and a great view of downtown before heading to lunch/dinner at the Old Ebbitt Grill, an iconic DC dining destination near the White House. Parking being what it is, we were required to walk across the Ellipse to get from our car to the restaurant and back--with tulips blooming and a few cherry blossoms hanging on the trees, it was more than pleasant. It is fun to have an excuse to be touristy.

On our way back, we stopped by the Japanese festival, the swan song for this year's Cherry Blossom Festival. I must confess that this year I only saw the cherry blossoms on my drive home from work, but it was fun to be down with the masses for a little while. We finished off our day with a show by the Capitol Steps, a funny political satire that we all enjoyed.

We don't get to see Mom and Dad Small nearly as often as we'd like, and we had a wonderful, full-but-relaxing day on Saturday. Sunday was church, dinner, and rest, and then goodbyes and drives to the airport. We're already looking forward to the next time!

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