Two days ago I was excited to see that we finally had one little zucchini growing that might be big enough to eat by the end of this week. I went out to check on it tonight, and I swear, the Zucchini Fairy must have come by and sprinkled some pixie dust on it, cuz this sucker is HUGE! So begins our month of zucchini. Fittingly, as it is almost August recess (two more days, baby!), we are going out of town for two weeks starting Sunday.
(Apparently the Zucchini Fairy trampled the beans on her way through, because they were completely stripped of both leaves and beans this evening. The Zucchini Fairy, or maybe rabbits.)
In other garden-related news, while the zucchini has been scaring us and the four tomatoe plants have literally become one gi-normous, tangled mess (also scary), the cucumber has been surreptitiously taking over the yard. I suddenly find that it has crawled completely out of the garden and into the grass, in addition to creeping halfway up the fence. Yet, despite my regular searches, we've seen nary a cucumber growing. Until tonight, when an 8 inch long monster practically jumped out and attacked me. This after we ate a rather crappy store-bought cuke for dinner.
It is so inconvenient that vacation corresponds so perfectly with harvest.