Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veterans Day

We government employees get pretty used to having a Monday off every month or two for a federal holiday, but Veterans Day is always a bit weird, appearing exactly on the 11th of November instead of the second Monday or the fourth Thursday or whatever. Since the 11th was a Tuesday this year, we had a pretty random day off in the middle of the week. Weird, but nice. Especially since somehow last week all the balls I'd been precariously balancing in the air went a'tumbling.

It was a brilliantly sunny but freezing day, so I was delighted when I got back from my run to see Jason building the first fire of the season in our little fireplace. We brewed some tea and cooked up some breakfast, then promptly curled up in our little living room with books and stayed there for a while. Ahhhhhhh... And the best part is that all day today it felt like Monday, but in truth the week was half over. Hurrah!

Jason is reading The Historian now, and of course he is enthralled. One nice side effect of marriage is that our tastes seem to merge a bit as the years go by. Gone are the days when I was baffled by the idea that we didn't have anything in common. These days we both really like cashew chicken curry and watching "House" and singing "Victory in Jesus" when things get a little too Baptist on Sunday mornings. Perhaps I will win Jason over to country music eventually--I mean, we're going to be married a long time, after all.

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