Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Hockey Fans
We walked around Eastern Market, then headed to the newly-reopened Newseum. Having never been there, we attempted to do the "two hour tour" but instead ended up spending much of the day there. In particular, I was struck by the display on the 9-11 attacks. They showed a video of the reporting footage from that day, and as the crowd watched the plane hit the second tower, we all gasped in horror, just like we did when we saw it on that day. It is amazing how powerful those images are.
Collapsed radio tower from the top of one of the Towers
We went to the Capitol Steps on Saturday night, then church on Sunday and Lebanese for dinner. And I came away from the weekend with a shiny new screen door on our deck (one that doesn't spank you as you go through it with your hands full of dishes)! Thanks, George! What a great weekend together!
Posted by
Missy Small
9:14 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Diving In
Literally. Shaanti convinced Jenny and me to sign up for the Y's mini triathlon (the "Y Not Triathalon"), which is August 6th when I will be in Boise for work. Yes, that's the August 6th that is, um, four weeks away. Yikes!
The race (and we use that word very lightly) is 1/4 mile of swimming, 6 miles of biking, and 2 miles of running, all of which is very doable...except the swimming, which has me totally terrified since I have yet to actually dive in to a pool this summer. Or since college, when my friend Bob and I would go "work out"* at the gym in the mornings. But it's amazing what a little fear of drowning/collapsing on the track will do to motivate you--I even rolled out of bed early to go running before work today (with lots of prodding from the other side of the bed)!
Speaking of which, it's getting late, and if I'm going to hit the pavement at 6:15 tomorrow I'd better hit the sack soon! Unbelievable.
*by "work out," I mean swim two laps and then spend 30 minutes in the hot tub at the Rec Center. Or skip the gym entirely and head to IHOP. No wonder I have gone down a pants size since college.
Posted by
Missy Small
8:26 PM
Passing a Bill
As part of my Fellowship on Capitol Hill, I followed Missy's footsteps to the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives (see bottom left corner of c-span snapshot below) as Members debated and voted on this year's State Department, Foreign Operations appropriations bill. Since February, I have worked with the staff who crafted and moved the bill through the House committee and floor process. As staff and fellows, we were also thanked by the Chairwoman and Members of the Subcommittee on the floor for all of our hard work (recorded in the Congressional record, excerpted below).
It was fascinating to watch democracy in action and gain deep insights into the American legislative process. The experience is also a nice bookend to an internship I had in 1998, when I similarly watched from the floor of the Senate chamber as Senator Mike DeWine delivered a floor statement (on Africa, ironically) that I drafted.
Now we wait for the Senate to finish its version of the bill -- and, if all goes as it should, we will then meet in a House-Senate conference to determine the text of the final bill, prepare it for final passage, send it to both houses of Congress for a final vote, and then it goes off to the President for signature. Viva democracy!
Posted by
Jason A. Small
8:57 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Perfect Fourth
3. Add a great group of friends and one made-from-scratch flag cake. Sit. Talk. Laugh a lot.
6. Feel a little sorry for all those people who have been camping out on the National Mall for the past five hours.
7. Start planning next year's Fourth of July as you walk back to the car.
Posted by
Missy Small
3:01 PM