Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Produce a' Plenty

It has been far too hot this summer, but finally--FINALLY--this week it started to rain. A lot. I feel like a farmer who really knows how to appreciate a downpour after a drought. Thanks to good rain--and finally getting smart and netting our tomatoes so that the birds couldn't eat them--we finally sliced into our first homegrown tomato tonight. Mmm, mmm good.

The garden is really doing pretty well this year (knock on wood). We go through phases of so many green (and purple!) beans that we have to freeze them, and we've been eating lots and lots of green onions. The carrots are starting to show a little orange skin from below the ground, and there's a cuke about three inches long on the cucumber bushes--and more on the way. Not surprisingly, the only that that doesn't seem to be producing is the zucchini. Why?!?

Still, tomatoes, so worth it. We spent the week fighting over slices of the one big tomato we got in the CSA this past week (as we literally watched birds pecking into the two reddish tomatoes on the plant)--Jason wanted a salad, I wanted a BLT, etc. I told him tonight, as we ate the entire huge tomato for dinner, that I finally feel like we can be frivolous with our tomato eating...there are two or three more beauties just hanging on the plant, waiting for us to get hungry!

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