Friday, December 30, 2011

End of Year Thoughts

My hair is standing up on end.  I've finished a book (good riddance) and drunk tea but am still in pajamas (don't tell Jason--he should think I've been very productive this morning).  I've "cleaned the library," which apparently means that bins of sewing projects, fabric, and piles of DVDs to rip down are all over the floor and desk.  And so is brown sugar, which is clearly what I was doing before I got distracted by all the blog posts I haven't read since we left for Idaho.

It is clearly that weird week between Christmas and New Year's.

Here are a few of the things going through my head:
*  I love having friends over for New Year's, but I am balking at the idea of hosting a party.  Or making a big dinner.  Or staying up until midnight.  Yikes.  What to do.

*  We are packing up our entire upstairs for a vicious construction project (which is why Jason needs to think I've been productive), and it is very, very weird to pack up all my suits with February still a'comin.  It's not like they fit (this week, NOTHING fits--I so wanted to be that cute pregnant woman with the little round belly and adorable attire, but instead I already waddle and have fallen irrevocably in love with my sweats), but it is still weird.

*  In the mornings, the Spare Oom is my favorite place in the house--all clean and white and yellow and sunshiny, with its east-facing window.

*  Have you ever gone to rip down your own DVDs (or maybe one you borrowed from your mom) so that you can eventually watch them on your iPad, but before you can stop it the first thing that pops up is the FBI warning that you are breaking the law nine ways to Sunday, and you suddenly feel guilty?  Yeah, me neither.

*  I bought a paper planner this year.  It seems like a weird thing to do, what with google calendar and the iPhone and what have you.  We'll see how it goes.

*  In spite of the five fantastic nephews, every once in a while I am caught by panic that I don't know what to do with boys.  Like when I read about this.  Or when, say, I look in my lovely, clean, white covered spare room and think that life will never be the same.  Last week I had to remind myself a lot that I am starting with a teeny baby and not a three-year-old-boy.

*  Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies really are a healthy, perfect post-Christmas-binging breakfast.  Really.

*  When I typed www. into the whachamacallit field where you type the site name, our blog immediately popped up.  Apparently the world wide web thinks I don't blog enough.  And clearly, since I have not told you about our construction project, our ultrasound, or, for the love, a lick about Christmas 2011, it's probably right.  More to come, as soon as my hair is no longer standing up on end, I have found a pair of jeans to wear, and I can prove to Jason that I have done more than finish a library book and eat cookies this morning while he is working.


Dawn said...

A. You definitely still ARE an adorable pregnant lady, regardless of which suits you don't fit into.

B. I want to be in your Spare Oom.

C. I agree with the cookies. It is also true for all festive chocolates.

D. Keep in mind that your boy will be your and Jason's boy, not Dawn and Brian's, so he may not be so into boogers and poop and such.

E. When we get together next weekend, would it be easier for us to come over there and Aaron to meet us there? Just an idea, if it's better for you to be home? I don't know.

F. Yeah, your white room will not be white for long.

G. I like your standing-up hair because it makes me think of stoop time.

Bec said...

I felt EXACTLY the same way when I found out that Owen was a boy. I was sitting in Baja Fresh (after the ultrasound) staring onto Eagle road while Byron was getting the food and I panicked. How was I, a girl, going to raise a boy! I don't know how they think, why they do what they do, or say what they say. So I relayed this fear to Byron and he said, "Bec, I will be there too." Sigh of relief. True, Byron is a boy and can deal with all those "boy" issues.

Jason and Jackie said...

So - not to scare you - but the day before Jason and I decided to make a quick New Year's trip to see my grandmother - Jonathan decided the tree should come down. :o) Jonathan survived, and so did I, although the car got packed much more quickly, and some essential items got left behind. On the bright side, I didn't have that job awaiting me when we returned today and we had a great story to tell when we saw family. You'll be a GREAT mommy to a boy! Enjoy every moment. Happy New Year!!!