Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Henry at Nine Months

Dear Henry,

I'm listening to you talking to your blankie as you settle in for your afternoon nap.  It is so fun that one of your favorite things in your little world is the blanket that I knit for you, and your special "blankie" chuckle is so funny.


I can't believe we are at nine months.  At nine months you are such a little person.  You are so smiley and happy.  You are busy busy and always moving.  And you know what you like...and what you don't like!  You like, for some reason, to sit on the kitchen floor, and you like to roll your truck around.  You like bread and shredded cheese.  You like splashing in the bathtub, and you like to be picked up.  You like any necklace that I'm wearing and playing with my water bottle.  And you do not like when I take the water bottle away (cue the first temper tantrum, awesome).  You don't like having your face washed.  You don't like being left alone in a room too long.

You may not be in a full-fledged crawl yet, but we finally put up the baby gates, since your backwards scoot gets you about anywhere you want...and a few places you don't want, like under the couch and stuck under the folding chair in your room.  You are a great eater--and like your dad, you seem to prefer dishes with lots of flavor (last night you chowed down chicken curry) over things that are plain jane (you have to be coaxed into green beans).  At your nine month appointment, you weighed in at 20 lbs 2 oz (50th %) and are 30.35 inches high (95th % and going strong!).

Last night I snuck into your room to check on  you before I went to bed.  Your binky had fallen out and your arms were open wide, and your long eyelashes were spread out on your cheeks, and I was overwhelmed with you all over again.  Happy nine months, Baby Boo.


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