Friday, February 15, 2013

Sick Week

I'm boiling binkies right now, and washing blankets and scrubbing toys, trying to get the "sick" out of this house.  Poor Henry.  We spent all of last Thursday night trying to manage a blazing fever, rocking and rocking in the chair, and ever since then his face has been oozing tears and snot and drool .  It's been a tough week for him...and his mama and daddy.  It's like having a newborn again, and we, who thought we were past the worst of the sleep deprivation, find ourselves ill-equipped to handle it this time around.

This is how we've spent the week, since his fever hasn't gone away in days (though the second round of antibiotics seems to be working...finally).  He's a miserable little creature.

Sick days provide an opportunity gauge how I am coming along as a mother.  It was encouraging to find that it was easy to give up my list of things to do and people to see on Friday and instead just sit in a chair and hold Henry while he slept.  Newborn Mama Missy would have tried to make it all happen and then felt like a failure when the floor wasn't mopped.  I've learned that sick babies are for snuggling, and Snuggly Henry doesn't come around often.

Maybe it's just because now I have a kid and am paying more attention, but I swear all the kids I know around here have been sick for the entire winter.  I felt like perhaps we'd had a reprieve, but now I've joined the list of moms praying for spring...

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