The Big Dilemma
Since I'm sure you don't want to see the piles of boxes at our condo or the piles of tools at our new house, I'm going to write today about the other thing I've been doing this weekend. Namely, frantically trying to devour the first six Harry Potter books before the last book comes out in a few weeks. This is a strange predicament to find myself in, as I can usually swallow these things whole and am a little embarrassed about the fact that I read each of books four, five, and six in one sitting (HP5, aka "The Order of the Phoenix," is, you know, exactly 870 pages).
At this point, everyone I know is reading Harry Potter. I'm loaning my other books to coworkers (because of course they were left unpacked), Casey and Kim are careful to make sure that they aren't reading the same book at the same time, and Andrea and Telfer, who participated in the brilliant homework club, are already working their way to horcruxes and huge tears in HP6.
You'll notice, of course, that I am currently only on HP2, "The Chamber of Secrets" (is ANYONE reading this blog who isn't equally entranced by Harry Potter? If so, these titles are for you. The rest of you know what HPCOS means). Having utterly failed Andrea and the Harry Potter Homework Plan, I actually considered not rereading each book this time around--after all, I did just reread the whole series last November, making a point to read slowly and take it all in (since, after all, there was no work to be done at that point in the Otter office, and I had a lot of time to sit at an otherwise empty desk and stare at an otherwise useless computer). But earlier this week I finally took the Shakespeare book out of my bag and replaced it with HP2, and I'm in for the month-long sprint.
Of course, you all know what this means: Our house will not be acceptably unpacked until August. Oh well. And in the meantime, there's the movie, the previews of which make my spine tingle with excitement...
Good luck with the full re-read, Missy. I'm going to stick with just the HBP at Borders on night of the 20th.
Also, a huge congrats to you and Jason on the new house!
Chris (and Angie)
I am literally beside myself with excitement! This is a historic event so november-shovember; if I lived closer I could come help you unpack to give you more reading time :(
Oh this post has made me come out from lurking. Do I dare try to explain who I am? My sister is Kim Hamilton who was friends with your sister growing up. I think our other sister Andrea has introduced herself here before. I am also good friends with your college friend Becca, which is how your blog was discovered. At first I just stopped in after Andrea said you had pictures of Shaanti & her baby but I keep coming back because you are a fabulous writer and I love reading your posts. So there's my reveal.
Now my thoughts on Harry Potter. I am so torn on the rereading thing this time around. Since this is the last book I want to make sure to truly savor it. After reading the last one, there will be no more to look forward to. So I don't know if I should reread them all before the 7th is released so I can read that as soon as possible or should I linger in each and every word of the first 6 to draw out the fun of the final release? These are the big dilemmas of life aren't they? :)
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