Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Worst Thing Is When... are just starting a coveted and rare tour of the West Wing, and you discover that you have left the memory card for your camera in your computer at home. And that your battery is almost dead, but that really doesn't matter at this point.

You see, we should have a really sweet picture of us in the Rose Garden, of us in front of the West Wing, of us by the North Face of the White House. But nooooo... someone (me) left the stupid card in the stupid computer. Stupid. Actually, the not-stupid one in this story is the nice ex-Marine foreign service officer on the tour with us who offered to take and then email us the afore mentioned pictures. So you may see them yet.

And while we don't have a picture of the Oval Office (you couldn't take pictures inside, to my relief), we really did get to see it today. It's hard enough to get the overrated tour of the fancy part of the White House ("and here is the Red Room, and we're walking, we're walking, and the Green Room..."), but to get into the West Wing you have to be escorted by someone who works there. It was pretty sweet (phenomenal understatement). So happy Sunday to us.

(Pictures, hopefully, forthcoming.)


Andrea said...

Wow (understatement). You guys are awesome!

Nerdy question: So does the oval office look like the movie depictions of the oval office?

Amanda said...

Once again, I am jealous of your DC adventures. I'm sad you're camera wasn't in working order-- hopefully, your Marine buddy will take care of you.