Sunday, December 11, 2005

"God Bless Us, Every One"

This weekend we took in what has become my favorite Christmas "tradition" (shh, I'm hoping that if I just secretly keep buying the tickets every year it will become a tradition) and went to Ford's Theatre to see "A Christmas Carol." If the name of the theatre sounds familiar but you can't quite put your finger on it, think the infamous night that President Lincoln went to the theatre. (And yes, it is pretty sweet to live in DC sometimes.) Ford's Theatre, btw, is one of my favorite tourist spots in Washington (though I do get ridiculed for that preference from time to time) and every time I sit there and listen to the story I hope just once Lincoln will decide to stay home for the evening. Does it ever boggle your mind how powerfully single events shape history?

Anyway, Dawn, Brian, Jason and I went to the afternoon show and traipsed around downtown for the early evening. If you haven't seen or read "A Christmas Carol" for a while, you should head to the library and pick it up. It is funny, frightening, heart-wrenching, and pretty much makes you want to be a better person. And may we, like Mr. Scrooge, know how to keep Christmas well.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love this Missy! I am going to send you an email in a minute, but I am just eating this up. Your home looks comfortable and your tree looks festive. I love being able to *see* where my friends live.

Anyway - your Christmas Carol experience is certainly more high class than ours will be...I have it ready on our ipod for the 18 hour drive up to Washington next Thursday. Leaving at 3:30 a.m.! How fun does that sound?
