I actually thought it might be too late to post these pictures--in the last few days the temperature has crept up to fifty, creating visions of daffodills and tulips, and I actually ventured into a short-sleeved shirt yesterday. February is not quite over, though, and Winter has a few more tricks up his sleeves. This morning we woke to a "wintry mix," and by the time we got out of church at 11 a couple good inches of snow had fallen. The fence posts now have tall white stocking caps and the flakes are coming down in thick globs. Jason is humming about the weather outside being frightful, and I think hot chocolate might be in order.
So much for an early spring.

The picture of Jefferson was actually taken last week, after what we'd sort of hoped would be the last storm of winter. At least this storm is light and fluffy--last time the ice fell in sheets from the sky. It turns out a good ice scrapper can not only clean off your car but can also dig your tires out of ice. On one hand I'm anxious for a snow day, but it's gearing up to be a really busy week and starting it off without a Monday might not be as good as it sounds.
Okay, I'm off to do some homework before we go see "King Lear" tonight at the Folger Shakespeare Library (assuming the Bard is not inconvenienced by the weather). And, Andrea, your entry on grad school is coming shortly...