So, Scott did a thorough job posting about our weekend together in the fair state of Kentucky
here, and Jason posted briefly below, but I still (of course!) had to put in my two cents! For the first few years we all lived here in DC, we and SMC (then SMC-squared, the SMC-cubed...) were rather inseparable. I had lived here for about nine months before Krystal and I stumbled into Arlington First Church of the Nazarene, a week before Scott did the same and two weeks before Jason followed suit. In no time we were spending Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, even weeknights (a totally foreign concept in our current life) as a group. I distinctly remember the moment when, as we headed down the elevator from Bible Study at Jason's apartment to our car,

I said to Krystal, "This is the first time I've been really happy here."
I had to tell that story to set up why our trip to Kentucky was so important. Scott and Lindsay moved there about a month before Jason and I got married, and they graciously made the trip to Idaho for our wedding. We had not seen them since then, so we felt it was imperative this fall that we make the trip to see them and Jake, who is now a little boy and not the baby we knew back at AFCN!
We had a fabulous time together--going to the races, hiking to Natural Bridge, eating really good grub, and, of course, playing games, which is how we used to spend every Friday and Saturday

night. The Bob and Kiki story is too long (and, really, unexciting) to share in a blog entry, so just know that we laughed a lot. And, Chris and Angie, we missed you!
All of this happened between and around really great conversations, the type that have been lacking in our lives since they left the area. It was easy to pick up right where we left off--even with Jake, who had no problem deciding we were all pals!
Can't wait until the next time together--two years is too long!