Wednesday, December 05, 2007

First Snow

I briefly thought that the first snow was actually on Sunday, when we went to get our Christmas tree and I swore a few flakes fell just as I found the perfect one, but as we were leaving the tree lot I realized that it was not snow but ash from the fire burning away the extra branches. So close...

But I am pretty convinced that it is real snow today and not ash. Especially since we just had a fire drill (does it qualify as a "drill" if an alarm really did go off but there was no actual fire?) and ended up on Independence Avenue with snow falling on our heads. It is the perfect day to be cozied up between the fire and the Christmas tree, cup of tea and good book in hand. I'm making due with curling up between my computer screen and the heater with some hot chocolate and reading material entitled"Liquid Fuels from Coal, Natural Gas, and Biomass: Background and Policy." It's riveting.

Note: I obviously took the picture when I got home. I thought you might be able to see our Christmas tree light in the window, but alas. Plus, it's still snowing.


Amanda said...

Yay for the first snow -- it is a balmy 68 degrees here.

Danielle said...

Is this the former grad and fellow English snob Missy? :) I came across your blog in the random way these things always happen, connected to a friend who is connected to a friend and so on. It has been so long--I think the last time I saw you was at my wedding with the Triplets. It looks as if you are doing well and having many adventures!

I would love to see some snow right not--I'm currently living in Ecuador and the rainy, humid season is just starting. Check it out at

Happy holidays--and it was fun to catch up with you in this funky digital way. :)

Danielle said...

Okay--so my comment sounds like I married triplets, but I really meant that you attended with the Triplet family. :)