Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cold Snap

It’s a balmy 14 degrees outside, so we’ve given up any pretense of going outside the house today in favor of curling up by the fire and burying ourselves in blankets. When it crept into the single digits (with a wind-chill factor of negative something) last night, we felt very grateful for a warm home and a down comforter and previous owners who replaced the windows. Last night after I put together the menu (yes, I write out a menu every week, and no, I will not apologize), I glanced over it one more time and realized that we are having soupish items five times next week (and I will be putting the le Creuset pot that Jason spoiled me with for Christmas to good use). Brrrr!

As long as it warms up to at least 30 by the inauguration on Tuesday, I really like cold weather. A winter without a cold snap feels makes me feel a bit incomplete—a friend recently compared herself to a tulip bulb, who needs freezing temperatures so that she can bloom in the springtime, and I completely agree. And tomorrow it may snow… After seven-plus years, I’m getting used to DC weather—snow comes in January, spring comes in April.

Last weekend I almost posted a nice entry about how we spent the rest of our Christmas vacation, but when I went to save it, it deleted instead. I’ve tried twice to recreate it, but it isn’t working. So here’s the summary: dinner parties, sweats, butternut squash risotto (see picture), hockey gear, wedding album, watching House. It was lovely, and while there are great things to look forward to in 2009 (new opportunities at work, leaving our 20’s behind, over-the-phone garden planning with Shaanti, and an anticipated visit from Casey and Kim in the spring), I kind of wanted to stay in that little in-between stage a bit longer.

But 2009 has come upon us in a rush. Going back to work was like jumping right into the fire. My boss has been swiftly become more senior and more influential in Congress, which has provided me with some really cool opportunities…and a lot of late nights at work where I leave an unfinished to-do list longer than the one I had when I came in that morning! I can feel any resolutions to introduce balance into my life oozing out… Jason just completed two weeks of orientation for his fellowship program and is working to land himself in just the right spot on the Hill. We’re beginning to adjust to our new morning routine of commuting together, and I’ve been awfully thankful that while I work late, Jason has been mastering the bus schedule and cooking dinner each evening. And really, really grateful that we have a nice, long weekend ahead of us.


Michael and Lauren said...

Hi Missy and Jason, We are in Kiev tihs week and so, just received your Christmas letter and picture. Thanks for thinking of us all the way out here! It sounds like you had an eventful year, full of neat travels and some life changes too. Congratulations to Jason on his new fellowship and to you, Missy, on keeping your job in such a crazy year. Thanks for the reminder about your blog -- we will definitely tune in from time to time. And if you've forgotten about ours, it's alive and well at Happy New Year! Michael and Lauren

Meet the Bucher's said...

I'm sure that butternut squash rissoto was delicious, but I hate to say it looks an awful lot like Mason's diapers these days! Sorry, didn't mean to ruin it, could you send me the recipe:-)

Jenny said...

Ok, so minus Shaanti's comment on the risotto freakishly resembling a nasty diaper, I have been wanting to try it, cuz I have a butternut squash risotto recipe as well. And I loved the tomato risotto I've only made once, but I'd like to now try this new risotto. (I used the word risotto a ton). :)