So, I only have one brother, but I suspect that if I had another one Casey would still be my favorite. And he couldn't have picked a more perfect wife. I've been looking forward to him and Kim coming to visit for, oh, ever, and there was a slight second of despair today when I dropped them off at the train, knowing their visit was over. But oh, so fun.

On Friday we did the gorgeous drive to Charlottesville, where we took in a lot of Thomas Jefferson and some pretty spectacular flowers. Jason and I had only been there once, one fall years ago, when the leaves were all turning colors. It's a toss up which is prettier, spring or fall. Kim's one request for the trip was Indian food, so we had dinner at this Himalyan fusion restauraunt. The food was good, but not good enough for the hour-and-a-half wait between ordering and diving in! Good thing we like each other!

Saturday was gorgeous, and we ventured out to Eastern market for the first time of the year, then we navigated the crowds at a couple museums. Sunday we went to church and then to Korean BBQ--the first time since we discovered Il Mee with Shaanti and Adam last summer. Mmm, tasty.
We also just hung out, which is always my favorite part of any family visit. Casey and Kim like the same TV as we do, so we watched "The Office" then had them introduce us to "30 Rock," which is finally growing on me. Casey and I have always had eerily similar taste in things, and when he recommends something for me (David Crowder Band, "The Sting," "X-Files," any YouTube link he sends me, etc.), I am bound to like it, so it was pretty easy to find "30 Rock" hilarious with the two of them.
Good, good times. I'm so glad they came!