It seems a little ironic to post a blog titled "resurfacing" when we are about to be buried in snow. Wednesday it was "chance of snow," yesterday the prediction was 5 inches, and now that the flakes are falling, there's been a run on the grocery stores and tomorrow's flights to the West Coast have already been cancelled. I'm all for bundling up and hunkering down tomorrow...just as long as OUR west-bound flight can get off the ground on Sunday afternoon!
I do feel like I've resurfaced into my life, though. For the past three weeks I've been working on a term paper. Between cranking out the novel-sized paper and a mad rush to write innumerable constituent letters before leaving the office for two weeks, I feel like I've spent nearly every waking in front of a computer! Tonight Jason and I came home, and I immediately turned the Christmas tree lights and curled up on the chair with both the November (which was sadly neglected) and December issues of Bon Appetit. Seriously, it feels like I'm waking up to the world around me again, where apparently all my plants have died from lack of attention and I don't remember where things are in my kitchen.
This is where Christmas begins. The presents are under the tree, the Christmas letters are in the mail (finally!), and the only thing standing between me and seven glorious days in the mountains with my family (which my sibs and I have literally been talking about since September) is a quiet day with a crackling fire and 24 hours of snow. I know it is going to be a nightmare to make it to Boise in any semblance of on-timeness, but until then...ahhhhh.

Jason with Mr. Lewis, Ranking Member of the Appropriations Committee
As my semester came to an end, so did Jason's year on the Hill --today was his last day in his fellowship, and in January he goes back to the State Department. I can hardly believe that his time there is over. I will now admit that I approached our year of work cohabitation with some trepidation, but it has turned out to be such a blessing. Jason had a great experience with the Appropriations Committee, both personally and professionally. In addition, Jason's presence made my transition to my new responsibilities so much smoother than it could have been, and it was really nice to speak the same language for a year. He's really looking forward to starting his new job, but I know I will miss having him on my side of the city--and not only so that he can bring me my lunch when I leave it on the counter in the morning!
on top of the dome
Before he left, my Chief of Staff offered to take him on a tour of the Capitol Dome. So, I know that I've reported at least twice on this blog about my trips up to the top of the dome (this was my fourth), but really, it's a pretty swank tour that is hardly available to anyone, and Jason had never been before. Very cool, and a good way to end the week.
It's snowing out the window while I'm sitting here typing. Jason just braved the weather to head off to play hockey, and I think I might finish reading about Thanksgiving side-dishes before settling in for the night. It's going to be a white day tomorrow!