Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Finished Family Room

Tonight I put pictures in the frames in the family room and said, "Wha-la!" Apart from a teeny bit of woodwork on the banister, our family room is finished and beautiful!


After:The project included sheetrocking, putting in insulation (for which we are grateful, as it's freezing right now), painting, redoing the light fixtures, and putting in new carpet and baseboards. Most significantly, and unfortunately something you can't see well from the pictures, Jason and his dad moved the wall where the TV is back about two feet, adding a good chunk of space to the family room and allowing us to watch TV without feeling like we're sitting in the front row of the theater. We LOVE it. Jason did such a good job getting it all wired and finished up!

While I'm posting on the basement, here's a picture of the library (which is notoriously hard to photograph), painted a crackly orange that I love. vastly prefer to the old color. Jason, how do I love the, let me count the ways: 1. repainting a room we'd already painted. 2...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Looks awesome! And hey, I did notice the wall got moved of the first things I did notice. Very observant of me...apparently. You guys did a great job!