Friday, December 10, 2010


Things are getting exciting around here. The paper chain my friend Missy (I think I will always have to call her "my friend Missy" so that you all don't think I'm talking about myself in the third person) made me in August is seriously sooooooo short (seven links left!), and I can actually see the end of the semester looming before me.

That is due, in large part, to the fact that yesterday, at approximately 3:29 p.m., I turned my 123 page thesis over to the GMU library. WOO-HOO!!! Even typing those words makes me want to laugh out loud! I went to bed last night at least a thousand pounds lighter. Yes, I still have two major projects (including research project I have barely started) due in less than a week, but oh, to have that thesis done, to know that it is approved and signed and out the door... Glorious feeling.

And now I have this lovely Friday stretching before me. My boss unexpectedly gave us the day off today. Lo and behold, it is snowing (first snow!) and for some reason the Christmas lights outside came on again this morning, so I'm sitting wrapped up in blankets and drinking tea and reading. Granted, I'm reading academic journal articles about seances in Victorian England so that I can write a credible research paper about Kim, but I'm not complaining. A week from now I will be reading Bridget Jones' Diary with a sense of complete freedom....


Amanda said...

Wahoo! Congrats! So proud of your perseverance ... celebrate!

RaChelle and Paul said...

Nice job Missy! Smiled when I opened our "class letter" today and saw a little update on Missy (Johnson) Small. You need to add "completed thesis" to that update!

Jenny said...

yeah, you're getting so close!

april said...

Ohmygosh Missy! Congratulations! I'd SAY that's a weight off your shoulders... the paper itselt must have weighed 30 pounds : )

Bridget Jones has never been so well-earned!