Friday, September 28, 2012

SMC4 for the Weekend

Fabulous surprise last weekend--Scott, Lindsay, and their kids finally came back to Northern Virginia for a bit.  As I recounted here, back in the day (like, the pre-Jason-plus-Missy days), SMC-squared were some of our dearest friends here.  We still think about them all the time (case in point:  when we were walking into the hospital to deliver Henry, we were reminiscing about going to visit Scott and Lindsay and brand-new-baby-Jake in the same hospital, eight years earlier).  We share a friendship that easily picks up right where it left off.

Two little friends (Addy and "Hen-roy")

So when they emailed on Thursday that they were coming through from Tennessee the next day on the way to a wedding, we were thrilled to drop everything.  We stayed up late laughing and catching up on the last five years of our lives.  We introduced each other to our newest arrivals (Henry, of course, and Addison, who is almost three).  We celebrated together Scott's recent return from a year in Afghanistan (talk about dancing on the tables!).  It was a good, good time together.  How blessed we are with these dear friends, even after all this time! 

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