Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A good and hard (and good and hard) weekend

Last Monday, my Aunt RaVae passed away. She had been battling cancer for almost five years, and over the past couple of months had been waging a pretty severe war. Jason and I flew to Seattle and then drove to Grandview, Washington, to join our family there. What an incredible weekend of celebrating an awesome life and weeping together! My heart was aching and rejoicing all together.

I spent so much time during my growing-up years in Grandview and at Aunt RaVae and Uncle Don's house, and memories flooded me (and, subsequently, Jason, who heard them all) over the weekend. It has been special to spend extra time with Aunt RaVae since she was diagnosed with cancer--she was part of a test study at the National Institute of Health back here in DC, and she came back three or four times a year and got to hang out with me (and with Jason, as she was extremely anxious to meet this boy in my life!). Ah, I could go on and on and on with memories and happinesses and tears.

If a funeral can be great, this one was. I was reminded all over again that, even though we don't understand why some things happen, God is good and God is big and we only see a tiny part of reality. Throughout the past few months I have learned in a new and clearer way about the awesomeness of salvation. Yes, we have a God who can heal our bodies, and sometimes He does. But even more, we have a God who can raise us from the dead, who can make us clean and wrap us up in His righteousness and then bring us to be with Him for the rest of eternity. And He longs to do this for each of us! Isn't it excellent to live in that reality?

Read the attached article (is it uncouth to link to an obituary) or just listen to Casting Crowns' song "Lifesong" to get a glimpse into this awesome woman who got to take my blankie away from me when I turned four, teach me how to properly use lipgloss, and help me pick out the perfect wedding dress.


ps the above picture was taken right before our wedding.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love you MissyJ(s)-- what a fitting tribute you provided your aunt. I always enjoyed the opportunity to connect with her at various times (DC, your wedding, etc.) May you continue to feel comfort during this time of loss.