Saturday, April 01, 2006

The One With All the Big News

Oh! I'm such a delinquent blogger that no one is even going to read this exciting entry! So many things keep happening in our extended lives that I can't even keep up. Here we sit, happily, quietly, normally in our little Virginia home, while the rest of the family (my family, anyway) has nary a moment between momentous occasions!

To sum it up, the family is growing. Jason and I may have our little family of herb babies and pansies, but pretty soon we will also have a niece or nephew to spoil rotten, as well as a new sister-in-law to love and adore (except that we already love and adore her). Shaanti and Adam have decided to make us Uncle and Auntie sometime around the end of September, and I am ecstatic, having already purchased the first of what I'm sure will be many, many adorable baby outfits (left). Hee, hee!

And only a few weeks ago Casey, with teeth chattering and knees knocking, made his girlfriend Kim's day by proposing on a freezing beach in Oregon (he said it may have been much more secluded than Jason's crowded Waikiki proposal, but that was only because they nearly got frostbite and most people wisely stayed inside). Am so excited, as believe Kim to be a fabulous human being and I'm glad that we can officiall call her sister soon. They are getting married in July. Many trips to Idaho in our near future!

As for us, we just had a delightful Saturday morning breakfast pondering the growth of the herb babies (rosemary sprouted overnight) and drinking tea in pjs on our balcony. It was almost 70 degrees at 7 this morning, and while that bodes very poorly for prospects of a bearable summer in DC, it is delightful for the first day of April.

Oh, and really, this is all true, no April Fool's.


Scott M. Collins said...

I really thought this might've been an empty post as an April Fool's joke ;-)
We love and miss y'all.

Brandon from Kansas City said...

Congrats on everything Missy! I just scoped out your blog via JR. Man, your life has changed so much since we last hung out in our old NNU days. Do you still keep in touch with people? Hope to see you at the reunion in November!

Feel free to stop by my blog and/or portfolio site anytime too.
bhill's blog

Amanda said...

Fun updates ... Auntie Missy huh? Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

J.R. said...

Awesome! congrats to you and your family. It is fun being an Uncle/Aunt, you don't have to keep them...

Andrea said...

Missy, you about gave me a heart attack there - I misread something and thought you guys were the pregnant ones! Anyway - congratulations on becoming an auntie & uncle! It's just too fun.
