Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Today I took the metro in to work, which I like doing on a not-so-regular basis. I like the intricate commuting dance and the way you can tell the tourists not so much by their fanny packs and cameras as by the way they are out of step--they stand on the left side of the escalators or crowd into the metro car without waiting for people to get off or, most of all, talk to people. The non-tourists can find their way onto a metro car flawlessly, moving platform to platform without so much as taking their eyes from their books or papers. In August you can tell who is going to get off at the Capitol South stop because they are wearing badges (like everyone else) but not suits (like everyone else). It makes me feel more "in tune" with this city than I ordinarily choose to be.

More vacation photos and insights soon, but I accidentally left the camera at home today.

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