Friday, April 06, 2007

Laughing together

Laughing together
Originally uploaded by jmsmall2005.
I have to write a quick note because it's been SO LONG since we blogged...and we are leaving in 13 minutes for the airport and a fun little jaunt to London (yay!). Not much time to blog anyway, since I just got back form a week in Idaho last night. You will notice that there are loads of new pictures of Cole in our flickr album. I love him.

(Luckily, Jenny is mad about him, too, so when I'm with her I'm not quite as silly as usual. :))

I also got to meet Baby Maddie May while I was there. Maddie was born two months early and is spending her days in the NICU, but she is a pretty good fighter. It was fun to see her with Laura and her big brother Jackson.

Most springish Idaho trips are also work trips. This was my first visit to the Boise office of Team Simpson, and it was really great--this new job is going quite well! I did the rounds with babies, meeting Sam and Kate, and I also got to stop by and say hello to the Governor...until we were interrupted by the Canadian Ambassador. Ah, well, what can you do?

Go ahead and enjoy smiling back at Cole. We'll post more when we're back on this side of the pond.


Andrea said...

thinking of you and jason in london - good, good times. cole is literally the cutest boy (i can say this since i only have girls in my family).

Amanda said...

Oh, he is so cute! I loved the pictures on Flickr too. Have fun in London!