Friday, August 10, 2007

The Mom Factor

Friday, August 3: Okay, I'm so far behind in blogging, but this is the first of many "catch-ups." Mom and my Aunt Kathy have been here for the week, and under Mom's touch our little house has blossomed into a thing of cuteness and beauty. Our painters just finished the inside of the place, and I felt a bit like it was a blank slate waiting for a master's touch. Enter Mom. We spent our evenings putting things on the walls, picking out carpets, and unpacking. Mom is a master unpacker.

We also just had a downright good time. I adore my mom, and now I think she needs to come back just to watch movies, go shopping, and relax! We finally have real pics of our house online here, now, so go ahead and check them out...if you can find them between all the vacation pics!

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