From Garden to Table
The tomatoes are rolling in, folks. Last weekend I had to do some serious pruning after almost three weeks of neglect, and the plants have thanked me with mounds of red beauties every other day or so. Fun. Our tomato plants are so tall that I had to pound a nail into the top of the fence to tie them up to it. I'm already trying to figure out a better way to arrange them next year.
We have also harvested quite a few cucumbers (lots of Greek salad these days!) and one more zucchini. After all the talk about our giant plants, I'm sad to say that they are not doing well. The fruits get about four inches long and then start to rot out. Suggestions, anyone?Still, we did get a nice on on Thursday, so we had a home-grown dinner of feta crusted tomatoes (heavenly) and goat cheese-stuffed zucchini (also really yummy). I think tomatoes are going to have to be the whole main course for the next few weeks. We went to the farmers' market this morning and discovered that we aren't the only ones rolling in tomatoes, as they covered the tables of stand after stand. Makes all that spring work worth it!