Friday, August 01, 2008

So not the same thing.

So, it's true that I'm sort of into vampire novels right now, and while that doesn't exclusively mean the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer (because this book is definitely going on vacation with me), I confess to having read them all. In very few sittings. They are addictive little suckers, I tell you what! But can I just say right here and now that, despite what this Washington Post article says, no one in their right mind should compare them to Harry Potter. And that means that if you are showing up at Borders tonight to get your new book with vampire garb on, I shun you. (Also, and as a side note, let's just ignore the fact that the Post even dared to mention "Twilight" and Jane Austen in the same sentence.)

There. It's out. Now I can read the new book in peace and with a clear heart. Especially since Andrea emailed yesterday about this. Seriously, I feel all tingly and lightheaded in anticipation. It doesn't even have to be good (though how can it not?), just the fact that something Harry Potterish exists that I have not yet read brings warm fuzzies to my heart. It is like anticipating a nostalgic visit with an old friend.

Speaking of nostalgic reunions with old friends, we went and saw the new X-Files movie last weekend. It was hardly proper to see it without Casey and Jenny, but still, it was nice to see our friends Mulder and Scully again. While nowhere near the inevitable perfection of a new Harry Potter anything, the simple existence of a new X-File, no matter how unXfileish it was, made me happy.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

somehow i missed this post the first're just posting so much lately! I am so glad you said something about Stephenie Meyer as the new JK rowling, no. That's all that needs to be said. what did you think of the new book? i frankly was underwhelmed. but it was fun to have something to anticipate.