The Big Apple
love new york in the fall
We did a poor job with the camera, so photos are random. Still, highlights of the weekend include:
1. Taking the train. I love the train--I could write a long essay about how I love the romance of trains (actually, come to think of it, I have written an op ed about this very subject...). It's just possible that, watching the autumn leaves pass by while I peacefully read my book and drank my pumpkin spice latte, I was as giddy as a schoolgirl.
don't mind the scary hair, it was drizzling. just look at the scenery flying by...
2. Bagels, cheese, and pizza. Mmm, I could eat my way through New York.
yes, that is me, bundled up to the nines and shopping for a pear
3. Walking around the city. It stayed unseasonably frigid and rainy on Saturday and Sunday, but Monday the sun came out. Andrea and I took Henry for a walk and discussed I Capture the Castle (consensus: how had we not read this book before?), then Jason and I traipsed through Central Park for an hour or so.
as we were leaving, when we realized we hadn't taken any pictures...
4. Listening to Atul Gawande at the New Yorker Festival. We really prefer to discuss healthcare reform outside of the Beltway, especially when the conversation is fueled by someone as intelligent and thoughtful as Gawande. go go self-portrait. in the sun. in central park
5. Dovetail. Everything was perfect--the conversation, the company, the olive oil poached halibut, the take-home tin of peanut butter granola that I ferretted away for breakfast this morning. Probably my favorite meal of the year.
this, for the record, is not dovetail. it is just the seinfeld restaurant.
It was the perfect relaxed weekend--hanging out with friends we really like, getting away from our basement (arg), drinking copius amounts of various hot beverages, and being very, very happy.
I know! We had so much fun too..sigh. You guys can come once a month and I'd be happy! Looking forward to the spring edition in D.C.
Have to echo what Andrea said - we had a fabulous time as well. Andrea already bought a food mill and made some very delicious applesauce :)
You have a sweet life! And I want the pumpkin spice latte recipe!
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