Monday, May 31, 2010

CSA, Week One

We decided to join a CSA this summer--that's community supported agriculture, for those who don't know. Basically you pay up front to a farmer and then get a portion of everything he or she produces. I consider this Adventures in Figuring Out What's for Dinner, since we don't really know what we are going to get, week to week. To quell my fear that we wouldn't be able to eat arms full of escarole, mustard greens, and Chinese cabbage, Tilly and Brent are sharing our share this summer. We'll see how it goes.

I don't want to bore you with the mundane details of our CSA, but we did decide we want some sort of records about how we use up the veggies to determine whether or not it's worth doing it again next year. Assuming we only have to buy minimal produce between now and October (between the CSA and the garden, I'm hoping that's realistic), we should come in at or even below our regular grocery budget.

So. Week one. We got:

  • Mustard Greens (Jason made a tasty stir-fry stir-fry, but turns out I'm not much for mustard greens
  • Chinese Cabbage (black bean tacos, yum)
  • Radishes (also with the tacos)
  • Arugula (pasta with tomatoes, scallions, arugula and goat cheese)
  • Romaine (salad)
  • Red leaf lettuce (salad)
  • Scallions (anything we could think to put them in. Love scallions.)
So far, so good. I'm just glad we didn't get spinach, since I harvested two bagfuls and had to pawn them off on friends yesterday before we leave for our trip. At first Jason thought maybe the spinach would last until we get home, but this morning I showed him how much it has already grown since I cut it on Saturday. Yikes!

1 comment:

J.R. said...

Right on! Jenny and I have been in a CSA for 4 years now, we love it!