Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Favorite Things, August Edition

Although I go to Idaho four or five times a year, I always have the biggest adjustment coming back from my August trip. I was there for 12 days this year, and, even though I've been back for over a week, I miss the clean air, the crisp evenings, the space between things and people, and going to two movies in one day with my mom and sisters.

Today, however, August in DC is a bit of a treat. It is currently 73 and overcast, and I got to go running at lunch. And it made me think of a few other things I like right now (besides, of course, my favorite thing, recess):

1. This picture of the Bucher family that Cole sent me. I think Shaanti's hair is quite lovely and the dogs (Sadie and Tonka) don't look at all like spiders. Seriously, though, he's three, and he's already an outstanding artist. I think he's quite brilliant, in addition to being very charming and funny.

2. Getting to spend the night with Andrea for her birthday last week. She's waiting patiently in an NYC hospital for Baby Jane to arrive, and it was so much fun to eat takeout, drink tea, and just talk for nearly 24 hours. I also got to have an impromptu dinner with an Oxford friend who lives in the area--yay!

3. Claiming my house again. While all the traveling has been great fun, it was oh-so-nice to put my bags away yesterday, knowing that they don't need to come out again until November. I told Jason that it felt absolutely empowering to cook dinner in my own kitchen last night (barefoot, even! how anti-feminist of me!). I think he was relieved, as he's been doing more than his share of cooking this summer.

4. Being oh-so-close to the end of my thesis. Seriously. I am THAT CLOSE. (Unfortunately, "that close" seems to grow infinitely farther from "actually finished.")

5. Molly Wizenberg, whose book I loved last year, whose articles in Bon Appetit I devour, and whose recipe for kale has made it my all-time favorite vegetable. I am planning to make her French Chocolate Granola this week--because it's recess and, for one more week, at least, I can waste my time making granola.

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