Thursday, July 28, 2011


The worst part of this summer (and that is saying a lot, since tonight is the first night all week when I got home while it was still light outside...or still the same day...) is that Steven, Amy, and Hudson have moved to North Carolina. Boo. I have vacillated between resignation and despair since they told us in mid-May. I am so sad to lose these dear friends of ours--not only are the Kings some of our closest friends here friendship-wise, but until Tuesday they have literally been our closest friends. Like, same zip code. Five minutes away (which, in this area, means practically next door). Call them at 11:30 p.m. when you have to go the emergency room. I hated changing their address in our list today. We will SO miss them.

We have had a long summer of goodbye, between the last book club, the last dinner with the Gambills, the last Sunday school class and all. Luckily they are coming to Idaho with us for Labor Day (yay!), so I can just pretend they went on a long vacation...for now...

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