Thursday, November 24, 2011


I've been learning to practice thanksgiving this year, particularly after reading One Thousand Gifts this spring (Most Significant Book of 2011, so far).  I'm not very good at it yet, but I am recognizing the truth of what the author says in the book--that when we look for ways to thank God, joy pours into our lives.  She says that "thanksgiving is the manifestation of our Yes! to His grace."  I love that.

I also love this:  "When we lay the soil of our hard lives open to the rain of grace into our broken skin and deep crevices, life grows."

So I've been practicing--a few things each day that I'm thankful for, a practice I started in June and have kept up (unfortunately) sporadically since then.  Here are a few of the things on my list so far:

* Pigeon pose at 6:15 a.m.
* Pictures of Krystal with us on vacation.
* Heavy Carter asleep on me.
* The sound of Jason awake upstairs.
* Jenny.  And her prayers for me.
* Irish breakfast tea.
* Ecstatic news about Lynda's cancer.
* A flock of green beans hiding under broad leaves.
* Recess hours.
* Skinny jeans (who would have thought?).
* The downward slide of the week.
* Peaches in the CSA.
* Polyjuice Potion in "Luminos" font.
* Mason on the phone.
* Long dinner talks on the deck.
* Amy's birthday playlist.
* My iPad.
* War movies without papers.
* Jason's hand on my hip in bed.
* Anne of Avonlea.
* Red Robin french fries.
* 165 beats per minute.
* Bouquets of sharpened pencils with Dawn.
* Tapioca salad ruby-red in Aunt RaVae's footed bowl.

I hope you have a moment to look for the things you are thankful for today, as well.


Dawn said...

My favorite: Polyjuice Potion in "Luminos" font and 165 beats per minute and of course the bouquets of sharpened pencils with Missy. :)

RaChelle and Paul said...

Reading your list makes me thankful! I am on the second reading of One Thousand Gifts. It is amazing.

Amanda said...

Love your list -- isn't One Thousand Gifts wonderful? I'm going to begin it again as 2012 is on the horizon.