Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

Henry gave Jason two wonderful gifts for Father's Day.  First, he slept through the night on Saturday night.  Hello, I felt like I could have run a marathon in the morning--we had coffee and breakfast on Sunday morning and we were on time to church.  Amazing.  

Dad and boy on Father's Day

Second, he gave Jason a great big smile after his morning diaper change.  He'd really started smiling on Tuesday (shortly after I'd freaked out after reading the weekly BabyCenter email update suggesting that six-week olds might be smiling and cooing in delight when they saw their parents), but unfortunately Jason always gets home just as fussy time starts and had missed every big smile.  I seriously teared up when I saw them grinning at each other (apparently those pregnancy/post-partum hormones aren't completely gone by seven weeks...).
Monday's gorgeous smile

We had a nice Father's Day, during which we stayed through Sunday school for the first time, went to lunch, and did loads of laundry.  I have absolutely loved watching Jason blossom as a dad--watching him with Henry has been the highlight of my life, and I feel so blessed to get to go through this parenthood thing with him.

It was also great to celebrate our own dad's, albeit long distance.  Our home has our dads' marks all over it--from our fantastic utility room remodel that Jason's dad engineered (and the beautiful condo kitchen that I still miss) to the garden my dad dug and all the things he's planted around here (including this year's garden)...and a million little spots in between.  Our lives have their marks all over us, as well, and we are rapidly learning to appreciate their sacrifices for us on a whole new level as our time, energy, and thoughts have become focused on Henry.
Check out these adorable duds!

Recently Casey and Kim took care of the Bucher boys for the weekend, and Casey described taking them fishing as "one piece of tangled line after another."  I remember many a Father's Day where Dad spent the whole time baiting hooks and untangling fishing line without ever getting to cast his own line out.  I'm pretty sure that's what fatherhood looks like.


Amanda said...

Love the adorable duds! And the great smile!

Andrea said...

the smile is too much! i love it! um, what does sleeping through the night mean? my girls didn't sleep through the night until 10-11 months. good times for me! secrets? did you read the french parenting book?