Friday, June 01, 2012


It seems like a major accomplishment that we've made it through the week--Jason had a crazy first week back at work after a month-long break (which was, in my opinion, well-deserved!), and Henry and I survived our first week alone together.  We had a good day, which included a couple of naps for both of us (after a long sleepless bout last night) and then a badly needed trip to run unnecessary errands.  Getting out of the house seems to mean the difference between a good day and one that ends in tired tears.

Getting out made it a good enough day that our living room is picked up, the dishwasher is emptied, and I actually made dinner for the first time in who knows how long.  Granted, it was pre-marinated chicken, pre-washed green beans, and three-minute brown rice from Trader Joe's, but oh.  So good.  I have been so grateful for friends bringing meals and Mom cooking for two weeks (and Jason cooking for the month before Henry was born), but I miss making dinner!  We sat in the living room, eating and talking about our days while Henry slept calmly in his swing, occasionally squeaking or grunting in his adorable way.  This is the first time it feels like this is our new life--in a good way instead of in a "holy cow, what are we doing?" kind of way.


Amanda said...

I'm so glad to hear the "new life" is treating you well. Been thinking about you!

Amanda said...

P.S. it appears my previous comments are absence. Maybe they didn't post ... regardless, you've been on my mind.

Dawn said...

I'm so happy to hear that you had a nice Friday and that things are being a bit more normal. :) Remember that if you ever want to get out of the house but you don't know where to go, 66 to 267 will take you somewhere awesome.

Amanda said...

Love reading your updates about the little guy...isn't it amazing when you start slowly coming out of the "survival" fog? Keep letting yourself relax, though-I don't think I cooked dinner for a LONG time:) He is just adorable, we can't wait to meet him!

Meet the Bucher's said...

I'm so glad! It gets better and easier! Can't wait to see you guys soon!!!