Henry at Six Months
Dear Henry--
I'm not sure where your sixth month has gone. I think we spent it in a fog of sickness that started with you (poor baby), then moved to Daddy, then settled in with me for over a week now. Blech! Apparently a three-person household spreads germs more efficiently than a two-person one! Lucky for you, though, we still wouldn't trade you for anything.
I love you at six months. You've finally gotten serious about rolling from front to back (tummy time is a pretty short-lived exercise these days) and are sooo pleased with your self each time you accomplish a roll. You're getting closer and closer to the back-to-front roll, but so far you are not overly motivated to become mobile. I'm enjoying it while I can.
You are such a people person. You love to catch people's attention (not hard, cuz your pretty cute) and then let a smile completely take over your face. You've started holding out your arms when you want to be picked up, and you have mastered the art of using a charming, adorable smile and a giggle to get what you want. It's pretty funny (and kind of annoying, since it's pretty hard not to give in).
This past month you started eating rice cereal. You are hungry earlier in the mornings, and we have to act quickly to keep you from stealing the food right off of our plates, so we figured it was time. You cut two more teeth last week (vampire teeth, just in time for Halloween), which means you probably think you're ready for steak! Your first cereal meal was hilarious--you could not chomp down on the spoon fast enough. You are still long and lean (while you grew another inch and a half since your last appointment, you didn't gain any weight to speak of), so here's hoping the cereal beefs you up a bit...and buys Dad and I a few extra winks in the morning.
Oh! And it appears you have finally stopped losing hair and started growing some! Your dark newborn hair is almost gone, with only a few more weird long Gollum-strands left. Your genes leave you little option but to be a tow-head, and true enough, blond fuzz is cropping up all over your head. I love it.
I love the little person you are becoming. You have pretty strong opinions about things that aren't exactly the way you want them, and you let everyone know. When we lay you in your bed at night, you like to stick out your tongue, straighten out, and tap dance until we wrap you up. The other morning I woke up at 4 in the morning to the sound of you talking to yourself in bed. You actually have favorite books--while we read lots of things, "Hello, Bear" and the BabyLit "Alice in Wonderland" never get old. And you giggle like crazy when I give you Eskimo kisses. I can't wait to see what kind of kid you turn out to be.