Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Tail of September

September completely disappeared beneath the weight of me going back to work, but we had a bunch of nice little things (and a not-so-nice little thing) happen at the end of the month.  

Congress decided we are all better off if they just go home for a while.  My views on the congressional schedule are almost purely selfish, so I was totally fine with that.  I'm not sure Henry and I could have handled the stress of another week at work so soon.

Recovering from a tough week
I finally made this plum cake.  No wonder the Anne books are riddled with references to plum cake.  Jason and I ate it in huge, plummy slabs.  (Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I made this plum cake in July, but it deserves a blog post shout out.  Plus it is fall now and there are new plums in the fridge, awaiting transformation.) 

Jason called me up way late on a Friday night just to say he was at Arlington Urgent Care getting stitches, no big deal.  During his hockey game, he got stabbed in the ankle by someone else's skate, resulting in a laceration about two inches wide that went all the way to the bone and chipped it.  This meant canceling the long-planned trip to Mali he was supposed to take the next day.  All involved decided it was best to avoid a nasty bone infection, and so far so good--yesterday he got the go-ahead to get back on the ice tonight.

My mom came for her fall visit, which delighted us all.  My plan to have her all to myself while Jason was in Africa sort of fell through, but she was happy to get to see Jason and Jason was nice about the fact that she and I tend to eat lunch at 3:00 or so while we're shopping and aren't hungry for dinner when we get home.  He didn't starve. 

Henry and Granny at our favorite place.
As usual, Mom dug me out of my self-created sewing hole and finished Henry's curtains (which I'd been working on since June, blech).  Then she dug me out of my decorating hole and helped me finish putting together our new upstairs.  It is worthy of its own blog post, but let me just say how happy I am to be sitting in a neat and orderly computer nook instead of on a folding chair surrounded by piles of boxes.

Learning to sew early.  Jason's comments about the sweatshop being back in order were not appreciated.
The other weekend we found ourselves home on a Saturday, just the three of us, with no obligations.  The weather was perfect and crisp, so (since we were already up...) we went out to breakfast, took a walk, played with our baby and all took naps.  So amazing.

A perfectly crisp fall day!

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