Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas Spiriting

Jason here, commenting on a few 2005 Christmas season memories. We leaped into the Christmas spirit early this year, lugging a real evergreen into our small living room, displacing essential pieces of furniture along the way (thanks to Jeanette for the peanut M&Ms for the tree decorating party). Missy cooked up a few Christmas cookies -- and I ventured into the spirit carving out a few for our Sunday School class holiday party. Given our pre-December 25 departure to Idaho, we earned a questionable reputation among the Bunn family for opening Christmas gifts early (complete with present-opening giddiness from Missy -- see photo), exactly seven days before Santa's famous flight. Apparently that's an offense among certain groups of in-laws, but thankfully we didn't endure any particular punishment such as coal in the stockings.

The highlight of the month, next to the Ford's theatre outing (see entry below), was the Christmas Concert put on by the Washington Choral Arts Society at Strathmore Music Hall. This 190-plus voice choir accompanied by an apt Kennedy Center orchestra presented an inspiring holiday concert, complete with modern composed movements and traditional carols, which definitely put us into the Christmas spirit.

Dawn and Brian invited us over for a gingerbread house construction activity. I quickly learned that this is an activity requiring immense patience. Our first home collapsed from the weight of the roof -- the frosting took an exorbitant amount of time to harden! Missy resurrected the house from the ashes, and it didn't look too bad when we were all done. On top of all this, we attended a number of holiday engagements, turning down many others including one hosted by the Swiss Embassy. December was a busy month, including a quick day trip to London for a Sudan meeting. It was good, however, to catch up with my grad school friend Jimmy, and his new wife Kayrn.


Missy Small said...

Missy's thoughts on Christmas:
* Yes, I know, Mom, that you raised me better than to open Christmas presents a week early. It's part of being a grown-up, like having dessert first and walking outside in my white socks!
* The choir was excellent, and I remembered bits and pieces of the alto part to the hallelujiah chorus.
* The choir was also made up of all those people who DIDN'T get in trouble for talking in choir (i.e. none of you who are reading this).
* Jason was promptly fired from house building after the walls crashed down. It was more important to preserve our marriage than to preserve our gingerbread house! :)
* Yes, I am still five and squeal with joy at presents. We obviously don't need children yet, as we still have me.
* I want to go to London next time.

Amanda said...

Jason, I enjoyed your post ... keep them coming. And Missy, your comments were priceless. Talking in choir?! Who me?