Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ring a Ding Ding!

Just a quick post to commemorate midnight...52 minutes ago. We spent the evening at my aunt and uncle's house with family, firing up our competitive juices with pool, ping-pong, fusball, and Catch-Phrase. No pics, as we were way too busy trying to beat the socks off each other to bother with the camera! :) I think Jason will be giving his impressions of Christmas soon, photos and all.

And for those interested, an update on my Grams: She had surgery today to fix her neck and give her injured spinal cord room to heal (right now she has no feeling below her waist), so we are praying for complete recovery, and her heart and lungs are continuing to heal. We are all anxious for her to get that respirator out so that she can talk again--she has an awful lot to say after 7 days in ICU! But she's doing well, we're encouraged, and if you want to keep updated we've got our own blog for that: In the meantime, though we are saving our Christmas presents from her to open later, I have taken the liberty of tasting the rice krispie treats she made to ensure that they are still good. Mmmm... :)

Lots of 2006 love,


Amanda said...

Happy New Year! I've been thinking about you both a lot. Look forward to catching up soon.

Jess said...

Hey There. This is Jessica. *waves* I hope you grandma is doing well, idaho was great and there was alot of snow. But we got stuck!
