Monday, March 10, 2008

Is that Spring I see?

Just peeping!
Originally uploaded by jmsmall2005.
I can't get TOO excited about the idea that Spring could arrive any day, since we spent our Saturday morning eating frittatas and drinking tea next to a roaring fire (okay, we suck at firebuilding, so a feeble fire). It was windy and pouring down rain, and we thought one last fire might be in order. But ever since arriving home from Hawaii to these little tulip spikes, we've been eagerly checking the beds in front of our house for signs of life. There is now a line of little spikes, and it looks like all the tulips we planted in the fall have poked their heads above ground! Yessss...

It is sunny and gorgeous today, and I WILL be walking down the street for lunch. Of course, it is also in the 40's, and probably downright windy, and I'm slowly getting used to the fact that March is not Spring in DC. It's only taken...(as I count on my fingers) seven Springs of living here? Wow. Still. We are right on the cusp!

We spent our weekend "not doing anything." Somehow, "not doing anything" required two trips to Home Depot, but after the towel rack in our bathroom fell off the wall for the third time, we figured that fixing it permanently wasn't a bad way to spend a couple hours. We also finished painting the trim from this project way back when. V. Pretty. We spent the rest of the weekend:
* sleeping. a lot.
* eating here with Dawn and Brian after seeing their new condo.
* picking out yarn for Jenny's baby blanket.
* reading this and this.
* watching some of the British "The Office" and, in order to recover, rewatching episodes from Season Two of the American "The Office," which we vastly prefer.


Amanda said...

Did you like "Red Letter Christians?" It is on my list to read. Thanks for the call. It was great to hear from you!

Missy Small said...

we haven't decided yet. Jason's actually reading it, I just read the first chapter over his shoulder. Our first thought is that while we agree with the principle, it isn't as intelligent as we'd hoped... But this from two policy wonks, and even then only a first impression! we'll let you know how it turns out!

Meet the Bucher's said...

I am so excited for spring too! I've keep wanting to get really into planting my garden but know that it doesn't stand a chance if I do. So I'm sticking with my little seeds inside and watching them grow! (check out my blog to see my progress:-)