Monday, February 21, 2011

Long Weekend

It was 70 on Friday, and since the busy 60+ hour work week prevented me from going running (something I desperately wanted to do), Kaylyn and I walked around our building--twice--and ate Oreos with fro-yo, in spite of the fact that my feet were aching after three 14-hour days in high heels.

Tonight it is snowing. Or, rather, almost snowing--right now it is rainy and cold, and the temperature is inching its way down in order to pelt us with 4-5 inches of snow by morning. We had split pea soup for dinner in order to make the best of the situation. Have I mentioned that I dislike February?

In spite of the fact that, when I DID try to go running today, an icy wind turned me back home after only a few blocks, we've had a really nice weekend. It was a busy week--the kind of week where adrenaline kept me going through Thursday, when we were supposed to go out of session, and then dropped me completely when we stayed in session until the wee hours of Saturday morning. I got to go home by 10 each night, and by Friday night I laid in bed and felt like if I tried to move my legs or arms I would throw up. I can't imagine how my boss, who stayed until 2 or 4 am each night, felt.

So Saturday was a calm day. Sleeping in. Lazy breakfast with tea. Knitting with my friend Missy (although Kade has arrived, his baby blanket has not...). Going out for Italian. Sunday we had some people from church over for dinner and made this, which blew our socks off (for lunch today Jason and I spooned the sauce into bowls and dunked bread in it, just to keep ourselves from spooning it straight into our mouths). We went on a walk looking for all the tips of hyacinths and daffodils we could find, and we watched Harry Potter. Jason has finally finished book four, and we've been watching each movie as he finishes. I'm not sure why, actually, except maybe I want to participate in this process, and maybe we want to prove how much better the books are than the movies. Either way, we stayed up late last night, happy to sleep in again this morning and eat strawberry muffins all day.

Jason left for hockey practice about 45 minutes ago, and I still don't know how I should fill the rest of my night. I've been reading Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson, and within a chapter or so I felt instinctively like we share roots--so it was no surprise to find, on googling her, that she's from Idaho. Her novel smells like Idaho. It makes me a little homesick, so probably I need to move on to something else for a while. Like putting my laundry away or getting ready for work tomorrow. Something like that.


Bec said...

What kind of wine did you use in the recipe?

Andrea said...

so happy you are reading housekeeping. beautiful. wish i could bring you a pot of soup - you sound a bit too busy. missing you!