Sunday, May 08, 2011

Hi, Again

Hey, remember us? We used to blog here. I'm not sure how we disappeared off the face of the earth--maybe it was the traveling, maybe it was the fact that the "busy season" at work seems to be stretching into a "busy eternity," maybe it's just taking me a long time to figure out how to move pictures from my iPhone to the computer.

We're doing our usually Sunday night thing, trying to get our ducks in a row for the coming week--Jason is calming ironing while I am frantically wondering how my Cooking Light subscription expired (don't they send you, like, a million notices before that happens?!?) and just realized that my laundry is still not put away. It's really hot tonight, and yet I still have sweaters hanging in my closet. So we're a little behind in other areas of our lives, not just the blog.

Dawn had a great blog entry this week about how she gets sucked into thinking she has to "catch you up" on every detail of the big events that happened while she was not blogging, and I should totally follow her lead and just start from today...but I have such fun pictures of my nephews to share from my time in Idaho, so I probably won't do that.

I'll be back, just didn't want you to feel neglected anymore.


Dawn said...

I know we've talked about this phenomenon before...the time-lapse guilt in our journaling lives. Glad we recognize it for what it is. :)

Andrea said...

i like this. i should have read your blog entry before i did a two-week catch up. what can you do?