Friday, May 13, 2011

Just Right

We had the most lovely week of weather this past week...which means I watched the 75-degrees-and-sunny-with-no-humidity pass by longingly through the window by my desk. Still, mmm. Spring has been spotty so far this year, but it finally seems to have settled in for a bit before making way for hot, humid summer.

Last night we went on a run then puttered around our garden for a bit. These radishes were part of dinner--I don't really like radishes, but do you know they are ready to harvest in 20 days? Um, that is awesome. I have, like, three rows of them. But not for long. They are all ready to go and about to pick themselves (and actually pretty good roasted). How's that for gardening?


Dawn said...

Seriously. I'm getting radishes. You had me at harvest in 20 kind of gardening.

Jason and Jackie said...

The last two springs we've planted radishes. In my humble opinion, they are the greatest vegetable ever. We only needed about one square foot to plant a whole bunch and they all came out so pretty ... in just over two weeks. Was so sorry we couldn't plant them this year.