Sunday, March 04, 2012

Fun at Work, 2012 Edition

We're smack in the middle of the (first) crazy season at work, when my schedule is stocked with more meetings and hearings than I have hours in the day.  We work really hard during February and March, and, as I've mentioned before, sometimes it takes a few weird moments to keep things light.  Hence the pictures below.

It turns out the thing to do in May 2012 is have a baby--not only are Tilly and Amy due then, but my coworker Kaylyn is, too.  People are starting to get wary of drinking the water in our office.  Kaylyn was one of the first people to find out I was pregnant--and vice versa--because we share the same OB and ran into each other at the doctor's office last September.  Just a little too suspicious...  There was a lot of secret keeping going on there for a while.  Lucky office and lucky boss, a third of the staff will be on maternity leave this summer.

I think the "lucky boss" is getting a bit panicked, based on the expressions in these pictures...

1 comment:

Andrea said...

missy, you look so cute. fyi.