Monday, March 26, 2012

My birthday wish list

A couple of weeks before my birthday, Jason asked me what I wanted.  After three weeks of working 11-12 hour days, putting together baby registries and shower lists, multiple weekends in a row of picking out bathroom fixtures, and the eternal car seat/stroller debate, I honestly had nothing.  For the first time in my life.

Here are the things I wanted for my birthday:
* For our house to be done before the baby is born.
* An end to hearing season at work.
* To not spend a single moment of a weekend shuffling things around our house.
* Pride and Prejudice.  In whatever form it takes.
* No major decisions, just for one weekend.  Oh, and finding the car seat we want online.
* An afternoon of "Downton Abbey."
* Dark chocolate cupcakes and good food.
* Regular clothes, and fitting into them.

So, the status of the house is still up in the air, though clearly from previous blog posts you can see that things are moving as well as can be expected.  But otherwise, I had a pretty nice birthday.  I worked all week in Idaho, but on Tuesday night we had waffles for dinner and Mom and I curled up on the couch and fell asleep to P&P.  I spent my birthday weekend having lunch with my dear Oxford friend Krista, whom I hadn't seen in years, and dinner with Dawn (as usual!).  We finally, FINALLY started "Downton Abbey"...after finally, FINALLY finishing the child birth prep video.  Jason made cupcakes for our Sunday school class and took me to Proof for dinner, which was delicious.  I even wore a non-maternity tunic and felt kind of good about things--and I got some nice gift cards for post-baby shopping.  It was a perfect 33.

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