Monday, March 26, 2012

An Idaho Shower

The girls threw me an absolutely gorgeous baby shower while I was in Idaho a week or two ago.  What a great time, celebrating with people I love from the first couple of decades of my life!  There was candle light and delicious food and lots of laughter.

Group picture

The lovely set up
 This whole baby experience has been full of humbling moments where other people's love for us has taken my breath away.  I think I've mentioned before the Sara Groves song about real friendship that has the line, "At my good news you're dancing on the table--baby's born, a celebration!"  What dances on the table there have been for this little guy over the past seven or eight months!  What a privilege and joy it has been to share our good news--and the tears and laughter that go with it--with friends who have shared our sorrows and burdens and worn out their knees praying for us!

Alison, Amanda, Jenny, and Debi

We had personal fruit pizzas.  Um, delicious.  One for me and one for the baby...

There were some pretty ridiculously long estimates about how big my belly is...
Pretty tables!
It was particularly special to me to celebrate with my family, who was as excited about the shower as I was.  A year and a half ago or so, Jason and I ended up at a family reunion just a couple of days after having a miscarriage, and oh! every single one of them found the exact right moment during the weekend to hug and listen and cry with me.  My throat catches just thinking of it.  And to celebrate with them now is even sweeter as a result.  It made for a pretty special shower.  Tearing up when I think about it isn't all pregnancy hormones.
The Johnson Girls

Anyway, wanted to share some pictures of the fun, even if it was hard to snap photos in the romantically dusky basement.  And seriously, don't Shaanti, Jenny, and Kim look fantastic (and Mom, of course!)?  I am definitely living vicariously through their wardrobes...


Amanda said...

What a special evening ... it was so fun seeing you and celebrating the soon-to-be arrival of baby Small. Love you, friend.

Amanda said...

Your shower was beautiful, and it was so good to see you. It was so fun to celebrate with you and your family-I love you guys!