Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Henry at Three Months

Dear Henry,

I haven't done a great job of logging your awe inspiring accomplishments or charting your progress.  You have no baby book and no baby journal.  In fact, this post is already almost four weeks overdue (in spite of my backdating it).  Still, let's talk about you at three months.

We celebrated your three month birthday by putting you in your first 3-6 month outfit (thank you, RaChelle!), since most of your 0-3 month onesies suddenly have the appearance of an overly tight, high-cut legged ladies briefs. At your two month appointment, you weighed 12 pounds, and when Daddy and I oh-so-scientifically weighed you on the bathroom scale at three months, you were up to 14 pounds.  You are still long and lean, but your thighs are (finally) starting to chunk up.  In the meantime, your newborn hair is falling out--and here we thought you were bald before!
During your third month you did all sorts of amazing things.  You started scooting yourself around in your crib (so far only in a tight circle, phew!).  You found your voice and started talking to us while we change your diaper (vast improvement over afore mentioned blood-curdling screams).  You started batting at the toys on your play mat, and suddenly one day you became really interested when we read together.

You are (usually) a good eater, though for some unknown and frustrating reason you tend to scream through your late afternoon/early evening feeding.  I am learning not to panic that you will lose weight and we will find ourselves back at uber stressful Week Two of your life.  You've also stopped eating in the middle of the night, which makes me a much more pleasant mama, and we have settled into a pretty predictable routine of popping your binky back in once in the middle of the night and feeding you between 6 and 6:30.

This month you've also become a better napper.  Suddenly one day you and I were both ready for you to start "crying it out," and after just a few days (which we all hated) you started falling asleep within ten minutes or so--on your good days.  You have also started waking up from some of your naps early, so it all evens out.  You are delightfully readable--you love to play and talk and spend a little alone time right after eating, then you want constant attention, then your eyes turn red and, if I swaddle you and hold you a minute, you often fall asleep while I'm checking Pinterest just one last time--unless you scream like crazy and I put you in bed.

Speaking of screaming, you've added a note to your otherwise really loud cry that makes it sound like someone is torturing you.  For the record, putting you in your car seat or drying you off after a bath is not torture.  Just so you know.

Most importantly, you are an awesome smiler.  You just look around for someone to smile at (usually me!  Yay!), and if you can't find anyone you will just smile to yourself.  It is so much fun to spend the day with you!  You still love music and being outside.  Your daddy and I are clearly your favorite people in the world, and I love the way you look at me.  I just love being your mama.  Papa was right--each stage just gets better and better.



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