Sunday, August 26, 2012

Idaho in August: A Photo Essay

Our two weeks in Idaho covered a wide range of events, including Jenny's fun girly baby shower, the annual Bunn family gathering at the cabins, Paige's birth, lots of introducing Henry to various friends, and quality time with the boys...and the girl!  It also included wonderfully cool evenings of sitting around and visiting, a romantic dinner not far from where we said our vows seven years prior, and one lovely shopping trip with my mom, during which I bought pants in my old size that don't. quite.  fit.  Yet.  And to top it off, Henry and I flew home first class.  With no delays.  It was pretty nice.  

Here's our time in pictures:


All (or most) of the boys for a rhino ride

Caped crusaders

Cole and Mason, chillin' with Uncle Jason

Papa and a starfishy Henry

Jason blowing out candles for Number 33

Henry hanging out with Uncle Casey

Henry loaned Paige his carseat so she could get out of the hospital (Uncle Casey and I were her first babysitters when Jenny went to the other cabin to get some food.  This was the extent of our babysitting duties.)

Paige makes Henry look like a huge grown up boy.

Henry and Great Grandpa Johnson

Meeting Laura and Maddie!

Not quite a water rat...yet...

Five boys in the fading sun

The whole crew meeting Paige

Our family in the woods

Pretty shower for Jenny and Paige

Apparently I used the yarn to guess how big I was pregnant, not Jenny!

Paddle boarding on the pond

Seven years ago on this lawn...


RaChelle and Paul said...

Happy anniversary! You guys have had a busy summer (and year)...and a wonderful looking family to show for it :)

Andrea said...

1. I like your hair. 2. Henry in the pool is funny/awesome. 3. So so thrilled you finally have a niece. 4. I can't believe
It's been 7 years. Well I can but wow. Congratulations...

Meet the Bucher's said...

Good pics and post! So glad you were here!!!